Olof Skötkonung

King of Sweden from c. 995 to 1022

Olof Skötkonung
Olof Skötkonung (Old Norse: Óláfr skautkonungr; c. 980 – 1022), sometimes stylized as Olaf the Swede, was King of Sweden, son of Eric the Victorious and, according to Icelandic sources, Sigrid the Haughty. He succeeded his father in c. 995. He stands at the threshold of recorded history, since he is the first Swedish ruler about whom there is substantial knowledge. He is regarded as the first king known to have ruled both the Swedes and the Geats, and the first king in Sweden to have minted coins. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olof_Sk%C3%B6tkonung
