Kilian Jornet

Spanish professional sky runner, long-distance runner, trail runner and ski mountaineer

Kilian Jornet
Kílian Jornet (Catalan pronunciation: [̍ˈkiljən ʒuɾˈnɛt buɾˈɣaðə]; born 27 October 1987) is a Spanish professional long-distance trail runner and ski mountaineer. Jornet has won some of the most prestigious ultramarathons, including the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc multiple times, Grand Raid, Western States and Hardrock. Jornet holds the fastest known time speed record for the ascent and descent of major mountains including the Matterhorn (Lion ridge) and Mont Blanc. In addition, he holds the 24-hour uphill skiing record: 23,864-meters (78,274 ft). Biography.
