Häxan Surtant

Häxan Surtant (The Sour-Hag Witch), also called "Världens suraste och elakaste häxa" (The Sulkiest and Meanest Witch in the World), is a Swedish fictional character who appears on SVT. Four TV series about Häxan Surtant have been broadcast and all of them are directed and written by Carl Englén. The narrator (called Pratgubben), who always appears, is Sven Björklund. On 28 August 2009 Häxan Surtant received the Kristallen Award for being "the 2009 best children's TV program". Cast. Katrin Sundberg as Häxan Surtant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A4xan_Surtant
