Goran Kapetanović

Goran Kapetanović, born 12 December 1974 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a Bosnian-Swedish writer, director, and adjunct in film directing at Malmö Theater Academy. Kapetanović was trained at the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts and has directed short films such as Flykting 532 (2015), Kiruna-Kigali (2012), En familj (2004), and Eko (2004), as well as features such as Min Faster in Sarajevo (2016) and Krig (2017). He directed all eight episodes of the TV series Caliphate (2020). Kapetanović has received more than 20 international prizes from a variety of cities and festivals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goran_Kapetanovi%C4%87
