Birgitta Lillpers

Swedish poet and novelist

Birgitta Lillpers (born 14 February 1958) is a Swedish poet and novelist. Among her poetry collections are Silverskåp from 2000 and Nu försvinner vi eller ingår from 2007. Among her novels are Blomvattnarna from 1987 and Medan de ännu hade hästar from 1993. She was awarded the Dobloug Prize in 2001 and the Grand De Nio Prize in 2008. She was awarded the Bellman Prize in 2011. Selected works. Stämnoja, poetry collection, 1982. Igenom: härute, poetry collection, 1984. Gry, och bärga, poetry collection, 1986. Blomvattnarna, novel, 1987. I bett om vatten, poetry collection, 1988.
