Witches, Bitches, and Dead People
Jami Hearn I Intuitive Oracle I PriestessCircle around the cauldron with Intuitive Oracle, Jami Hearn for the third season of Witches, Bitches, and Dead People. Step into the sacred space as Jami shares entertaining, evocative, and enlightening connections with spirit. Explore the depths of your inner knowing as she dives into topics ranging from ancient wisdom and esoteric practices to modern spirituality. Through engaging discourse and thought-provoking discussions, you’ll discover how to harness your innate power and connect with spirit on a profound level. Join us as we traverse the realms of intuition, magic, and self-discovery. www.witchesbitchesanddeadpeople.com
- No. of episodes: 135
- Latest episode: 2024-11-20
- Religion & Spirituality Spirituality