Two Girls and the World

Two Girls and the World

Victoria Niamh & Charlie Cummins
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Welcome to Two Girls and The World. A podcast from us, Charlie and Vic, just two girls figuring out the world and having a lovely time as we go. 
We believe everyone should have at least one friend that they can share anything and everything with. From life’s deepest dilemma’s to our candid confessions, no topic is off limits and we promise to have no filter.
We’re here to make you laugh, maybe cry and remind you that true friendship is about embracing the weird, the wonderful, and the wildly unhinged. 
Whilst you might listen to this podcast in solitude, you won’t ever feel alone in your thoughts, feelings and experiences again. 
Think of us as your honorary best friends- get on the sofa, grab a drink, and welcome to our World.

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Two Girls and the World?

There are 2 episodes avaiable of Two Girls and the World.

What is Two Girls and the World about?

We have categorized Two Girls and the World as:

  • Society & Culture

Where can you listen to Two Girls and the World?

Two Girls and the World is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Two Girls and the World start?

The first episode of Two Girls and the World that we have available was released 17 February 2025.

Who creates the podcast Two Girls and the World?

Two Girls and the World is produced and created by Victoria Niamh & Charlie Cummins.