The Intuition Conversations
Meghan FieldThe Intuition Conversations invite people to activate and strengthen their muscle of intuition - to trust themselves more, to remember who they are at their core before society and all the external messaging and structures around us told us who we should be, to get ever clearer on their purpose, and to experience the intrinsic power in this clarity. These conversations offer practical ways to connect with the wisdom that resides at the heart of who you are, your internal GPS and inner compass that is the sacred container for your innate wisdom. The mission of this podcast is to share these practices with a community of like-hearted individuals to strengthen our collective intuitive muscle and fill this world with the inner wisdom that's calling to be revealed. The Intuition Conversations brings together experts in the practical translation of intuition into empowerment, who share exactly what intuition and intuitive living means to them. You can expect amazing stories of the powerful ways intuition has woven itself into the lives of our speakers. When intuition spoke to them in whispers and roared at them for attention. Our speakers share the tools they use to connect to intuition that may inspire your own intuitive curiosity. We chat about what blocks intuition and how to overcome these obstacles. We talk teachers, lineages, intersectional social justice, empowerment, embodiment, the benefits of connecting to intuition and how you can deepen your remembering and trust of the wisdom that lies inside you. And in this remembering and moving into your personal power, we will create a rebellion – a rebellion against the voices, the narratives, the forces that tell us to play small, to shrink, to take up as little space as possible, that tell us we cannot trust ourselves. I invite you to join me as we reclaim our inherent birthright as intuitive beings and the inherent power that comes from listening to and trusting ourselves. I truly cannot wait for you to join me in this exploration. In this movement. In this Intuition Rebellion. Welcome to The Intuition Conversations.
- No. of episodes: 84
- Latest episode: 2024-03-11
- Society & Culture Health & Fitness Philosophy Alternative Health