Power of Purpose

Power of Purpose

Luxury Hospitality

Series 2 of the Power of Purpose podcast is here and explores our leadership purpose.

Hosted by Julia Rogers and brought to you by Luxury Hospitality, the Power of Purpose podcast has been created as a resource to bring value to people looking for inspiration and empowerment, in both their personal and professional lives.

Julia interviews guests from many industries to discuss their own unique leadership qualities, including how they lead themselves, how this has enabled them to lead others and how the lessons they have learnt shaped their purpose, resilience and careers.

Guests range from Captains on Superyachts to Captains of the England cricket team to those Captaining the future and include Roger Hamilton, Steve Crawford, Chris Cowdrey, Nini Champion & Lisa Rowland.

The podcast is produced by ANDD. Creative.

What does the power of purpose mean to you? Go behind the scenes @luxuryhospitalitymgm on Instagram / Facebook or online at www.luxuryhospitalitymgm.com

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Power of Purpose?

There are 0 episodes avaiable of Power of Purpose.

What is Power of Purpose about?

We have categorized Power of Purpose as:

  • Education
  • Business
  • Self-Improvement
  • Careers

Where can you listen to Power of Purpose?

Power of Purpose is available, among others places, on:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

Who creates the podcast Power of Purpose?

Power of Purpose is produced and created by Luxury Hospitality.