Mine Wyrtruman Radio

Mine Wyrtruman Radio

Byron Pendason

Mine Wyrtruman Radio is a podcast dedicated to the exploration, discussion, and promotion of Fyrnsidu (Anglo-Saxon Heathenry/Paganism). Each day, I will have a short episode that gives the date on the Anglo-Saxon calendar and a thought on Fyrnsidu that will include either news pertinent to Fyrnsidu, the announcement of the release of Fyrnsidish content, a quote, or a factoid. Additionally, I will be providing longer content once or twice a month. You can leave feedback at https://anchor.fm/byron-pendason/message and support this podcast by going to https://anchor.fm/byron-pendason/support Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/byron-pendason/support

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Mine Wyrtruman Radio?

What is Mine Wyrtruman Radio about?

Where can you listen to Mine Wyrtruman Radio?

When did Mine Wyrtruman Radio start?

Who creates the podcast Mine Wyrtruman Radio?