Making Disciples with Cris Rogers

Making Disciples with Cris Rogers


A discipleship podcast for beginners, doubters, confused and long term established Christians. In this podcast we talk about everything related to growing in faith but in a really simple way. We are honest with our struggles, learn from some wise people and hit some brick walls… a little bit like the original disciples. Cris Rogers is a church leader in East London and has been described as a Urban Practical Theologian.

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Making Disciples with Cris Rogers?

There are 211 episodes avaiable of Making Disciples with Cris Rogers.

What is Making Disciples with Cris Rogers about?

We have categorized Making Disciples with Cris Rogers as:

  • Religion & Spirituality
  • Christianity

Where can you listen to Making Disciples with Cris Rogers?

Making Disciples with Cris Rogers is available, among others places, on:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Making Disciples with Cris Rogers start?

The first episode of Making Disciples with Cris Rogers that we have available was released 27 January 2020.

Who creates the podcast Making Disciples with Cris Rogers?

Making Disciples with Cris Rogers is produced and created by wearemakingdisciples.