Camping on the wild side

Camping on the wild side

Steve Walker

Hello and welcome

My name is Steve Walker You Tuber and Podcaster. If you have a passion for Wild Camping, Tents the Outdoors and Scotland then this will be for you. Here I will be talking about my Wild Camping trips around Scotland, talking in detail about preparation, foods, gear, tents and the whole set up that I go through, so join me as I take you Camping on the wild side.

Most of the Podcasts are related to the You Tube videos i post on my channel so have a look if you want the video version.

If you would like to connect or collaborate please get in touch

email -


Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Camping on the wild side ?

What is Camping on the wild side about?

Where can you listen to Camping on the wild side ?

When did Camping on the wild side start?

Who creates the podcast Camping on the wild side ?